Dr. Jack Pransky is a Three Principles Author, Trainer and Practitioner: a Coach of Coaches and a Counselor of Counselors who has written more books about the Principles than anyone else alive! He is a national and international consultant, speaker, and author who has worked in the field of prevention and community organizing since 1968.
Jack has been responsible for a number of accomplishments in the field, namely:
* helping to create the first Spirituality of Prevention conference in the country (with Prevention Unlimited),
* the first state prevention law in the country,
* the first school climate improvement programs in Vermont,
* Vermont’s Juvenile Court Diversion system,
* two parent-child centres and other successful community-based programs.
Jack specialises in prevention from the inside-out, and specifically in The Three Principles/Health Realization. His new and latest book: Seduced by Consciousness is an autobiographical account of his own life living with an understanding of the Three Principles.
Here is the link to the retreat: http://rethinkingbusiness.biz/cape-verde-retreat/ (http://rethinkingbusiness.biz/cape-verde-retreat/)