Do not vaccinate - do not wear masks - welcome to the 19th President Donald J. Trump - Global warming lies, the elites are going to be arrested, the Samson option is coming (Nuclear Suit cases), The dead in Christ will rise, The day after is coming (weather controlling devises), wearing masks will end, but for those we shall wage war, I Am Legend is real we have a genetically modified reprogramming vaccine solution within a syringe, zombies are coming. The dollar will crash, hyperinflation, Israel will go to war, Russian Troops and Chinese Troops on American soil. Floods, famine, California - Midwest massive earthquakes, the gospel preachers under attack, families divided over the gospel, Election fraud revealed, vaccine biocircuits, 5G neuromodulation and remote controlled emotions. PCR testes are fake positives (Enron-level scandal CDC reports just 6% of Covid-19 deaths occurred in people without comorbidities), major law suits against pharmaceutical companies, revealing false prophets and pastors, TV evangelists fall, Wal Mart = Martial Law (backwards) detention centers, apocalypse of Elijah (Satan shapeshifting) antichrist is to arrive. Church divided (Daniel 2:43 - Matthew 25 - Matthew 7 - Revelation 3:14-22) - did I get your attention yet...