We are going to talk about all of the ways we leave our energy. This is very different from leaving Source energy. Source energy is infinite, and has no agenda. Personal energy deposits, left behind with an agenda for an outcome (that includes trying to make someone who is hurting feel better instead of giving them the space, and allowing them to have their process so they can release their pain). We like to “think positive” all of the time but that is an ego agenda. You cannot place a “positivity” bandaid on a gaping wound. But you CAN connect to Source and send that energy with no agenda. Then that person and Source can do “Thy will.” It’s not “my will,” which is invested in going around and fixing what it judges and perceived to be broken. It’s “Thy Will,” which is about a much larger picture that you aren’t capable of seeing from your perspective. Human perspective is incredibly limited. That’s where faith and trust come into play. In the meantime, your job is to call back all of the energy residue you have left behind in places and then purify it.... give it a higher octave boost, connected to Source.