In Episode 6, Cynthia interviews her sister-in-law, Kate Weber, about learning intuitive eating as a breastfeeding mother and how the philosophy of food has freed Kate from a lifelong struggle with body image and disordered eating. Even as a young child with an otherwise happy childhood, Kate was chronically worried about her body size, and began formal dieting as a teenager. But when Kate became a mother, the hormonal gaunlet of pregnacies and breastfeeding tipped her over the edge and set her on a frantic quest looking for answers. One evening while running diet-related google searches, Kate stumbled across an intuitive eating podcast, which kickstarted her journey to heal the relationship between her body and brain. In this topical episode, Kate shares her intuitive eating story, why she decided to change Obstetricians, and how freedom from disordered eating has given her a more peaceful and joyful approach to motherhood.