One of the most important topics we can address to create a better future is the topic of racism, racial inequality, and racial injustice - especially in America.
In my best efforts to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I'm challenging my listeners (myself included) to listen to the audio of Dr. King reading his letter written from Birmingham jail, as well as committing over the next 5 days to listen to 5 podcasts, sermons, and TED talks hosted or delivered by black podcasters, YouTubers, pastors, etc.
My challenge to you is to watch and listen to these videos and audio files with an open mind and a compassionate heart. The goal here isn't necessarily to agree with everything that's said or to walk away with a 5-step plan to cure racism in America. Rather, the goal is to gain a new perspective and a new level of empathy for those in our country, and all over the world, who are unjustly treated due to individual and systemic racism.
I've compiled 5 Videos/Podcasts that I've found to be incredibly enlightening and have helped me to open my eyes and develop a new level of understanding and compassion for the black experience in America. Please, follow along with me each day and let me know what new perspectives you've gained. If you find that you've learned to have more compassion, empathy, or understanding - let me know! If you're already well-versed in seeking out more diverse opinions and perspectives on racism in America, let me know if these videos have emboldened you to take action.
Ultimately, let's not treat MLK day as just another holiday and day off work. Let's move towards a brighter future. Let's Rewrite Tomorrow!
Day 1 - The Black Experience in America | Southside Rabbi
Spotify: Day 2 - The Lies that Serve Us: Christians and Critical Race Theory | Justin Giboney
YouTube: Day 3 - Color Blind or Color Brave? | Mellody Hobson
YouTube: Day 4 - Diversity Training 101 | Southside Rabbi
Spotify: Day 5 - Race, CRT, the Gospel, Social Justice, Evangelicalism, Systemic Racism | Preston Sprinkle and Thabiti Anyabwile