►Donations: https://streamlabs.com/RedFoxComms1 🔴📺RFC After Hours📺🔴 - MULTICASTING on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/RedFoxComms) 🔊RFC After Hours is a Live Trending Issues and Entertainment Broadcast with Co-Host Bowblax, broadcasted every weekday, Monday-Thursday starting @ 3:30PM, Friday starting @ 6:30PM. The show is for entertainment purposes only. All chat messages and donations read are the words of the original messenger, and certain viewpoints expressed do not reflect that of myself/Bowblax🔊 🚨I mod a lot of people! Mainly anyone I recognize from Twitter or any other platform I will toss a wrench too, so that I can see their names more clearly in the chat. If you are a moderator, remember NOT to ban or time out ANYONE UNLESS a user is posting a dox in the chat, whether that dox be something as small as any name that isn't public information to full on privacy breaches. There is a 0% TOLERATION policy for doxxing. However, if you repeatedly ban people that aren't breaking the one rule, I will remove your wrench! #FreedomOfSpeech🚨 📞Call📞 https://discord.gg/QMmHkMN 💰SUPPORT THE SHOW💸 ►Donations: https://streamlabs.com/RedFoxComms1 ►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AugieRFC 📡AugieRFC📡 https://youtube.com/RedFoxComms https://twitter.com/AugieRFC 📡Bowblax📡 https://youtube.com/Bowblax2 https://twitter.com/Bowblax ►📻Multistreaming with https://restream.io/