It's time for our annual E3 episode! After taking a pop into Super Hero Time, we dive into all the cool new games announced at 2017's E3. While it was few and far in between for some of the other conferences, Nintendo really hit it out of the park and gave us a lot to talk about this year.
Regarding the announcement at the beginning of the episode, yes, this is the last weekly episode of RRR. We have been bringing this show weekly (ish...) for 7 years, and it's easy to say we're not the same people that started the show back in 2010. Interests change, jobs are acquired, families are made. All three of us are reaching new points in our lives, and we've all agreed that a step back is needed.
Moving forward, RRR will more or less be a monthly show. Some months might be missing an episode, some months might have two episodes, but you can expect a new couple hour show when the biggest news hits, big cons end, or a show we love decides to conclude its season. This way, we know we'll have a show full of content, and less "Well, that was an episode..." moments.
I know this news will be upsetting to some but fear not. We're not gone forever. For now, I'll try to get some backlog archives organized so you can check out some episodes from years past with relative ease. Season 3 and Season 4 have some classics. Thank you to everyone who has listened for the past 7 years, and we hope the upcoming episodes will be a treat. Thank you.
Be sure to follow us on our twitter @TheRRRPodcast, and on our Facebook Page! Both accounts are home to various threads and posts where you can voice your opinions on the latest news and episodes with a chance to be read on the show, so come chat with us!
Don't have iTunes or any other compatible music player? Here are some direct downloads!
To download the "enhanced" M4A version of the show, including chapters, as well as EGallardo26's amazing album art, click here! (or click the "download" button on this post!)
To download your basic, run of the mill MP3 version of the show, which doesn't have all that cool stuff, click here!