Rightly Divided Episode #7: On Celebrity Pastors and Preachers
This week we talk about the phenomenon of the wealthy, celebrity pastor and preacher, and what it portends for the world and Christianity.
I mention George Muller in this episode. If you want to read a book about his life, this is a good one to get: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Trust-Classic-Autobiography-George/dp/179524240X/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=george+muller+biography&qid=1617222922&sr=8-7
Thank you for listening. If you are edified by what you hear, please subscribe and share! I release a new episode every week, and would love to grow in the Lord with you. It would also be an honor to have you pray with me that the Lord will use this podcast to bring glory to himself.
Music provided by freemusicarchive.org. David Hilowitz’s Moment of Truth was used for both the intro and outro music. The license is available at : https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode
A special thanks to my friends and family for their support.
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