Today I wanted to talk about a specific practical tips & tricks that you can start doing today so let’s cue the intro and we’ll get right to it ! So the reason I wanted to do this episode is because everywhere on clubhouse, Instagram and even tik tok I’ve seen people talking about this issue. What's interesting is that until recently I never even knew what impostor syndrome was and it was when I was listening in on a master class on mindset and they started talking about it and the symptoms and the feelings that go along with it where I could identify like oh, Wow that's what that is! It was kind of relieving because for the first time I actually had hope that there might be a way to get rid of it …now bad news is that I'll tell you right now there is no cure, however there are definitely some things you can do to not only lessen the intensity of the feelings, but actually use it as fuel to push you further towards your goals! The key is not allow it to completely derail you or paralyze you from taking massive action in your business or in your life! The 1st Step and I would say the most important is to be aware -- so being aware of when these impostor feelings creep up, what action brings them about, is it public speaking, is it reaching out to influencers, maybe it’s doing lives presentations whatever it is, you need to start identifying the trigger that causes your inner critic to start up, saying horrible things like you don’t know your material, you don’t look good enough, you voice sounds weird, everyone will make fun of you, the list goes on and after you’ve identified it I want you to take a journal and start by making a line down the center of the page and make sure that you’re jotting them down every day, so I do it when I also do my journaling so my nightly ritual is to journal even if its just one minute but this is so that you can start to have a record where you can look back and really pinpoint what it is that’s triggering your impostor to kick in. So writing down each one of these narratives that run in your head (i.e. I'm not good enough, I'm not doing enough, I'm not smart enough).After you get to the bottom of the page, which will be different for everyone and on the other side you need to write down the counterpart to your beliefs for instance "what if I was good enough, what if I was smart enough, what if I was able to travel around the world", you start rewriting these internal beliefs & you can start to shift your mindset from a negative perspective to a positive perspective. The only way that you're going to find out if you're able to accomplish things is if you don't give up if you don't quit and if you continue to just taking one step at a time in the right direction taking action towards your dreams your goals your mission whatever it may be. This is going to help build your confidence and elevate your self-doubt, Our minds are biofeedback because the more and more that you say I can't do this I won't do this or I'm not good enough or any of that stuff you're mind will do anything to ensure that reality is true essentially you're manifesting more negative to come, well duh no wonder you're stuck in a rut 'cause you continue to tell yourself that you are! To know the next step listen to the episode! Cheers!