In this episode, we are joined by writer, speaker, + therapist Lauren Chava Rose. Lauren shares her personal story of loss + resilience of becoming an orphan, estranging herself from her family, surrendering everything she once knew, + finding deep medicine in the clearing. We reference "The Tower" card in tarot as a metaphor for intense upheaval, loss, change, + the potential medicine it can provide. We chat about how, collectively, we are all in this energy of falling apart. Where the ground is constantly shaken with chronic + compound stress, traumas, + painful realizations about the world. We also dig into ways to navigate stress with simple yet profound moments of self-care as well as finding healing within relationships. As always, this podcast is dedicated to building structures of support in an ongoing UnEarthing process of what it means to be alive as humans today. We hope you enjoy this conversation!
Follow Lauren's writing journey: IG @laurenchavarose
Other references in this episode: Johari Window + Dr. Glenn Doyle
Follow: IG @unearthingus
Podcast art: Dorey Kronick (
Theme music: Cha Feliz (
Hosts: Julie Brannen ( // Tracy Fox (
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