My podcast guest for April 2022 is Professor Thomas Stolz, the chair of general linguistics at the University of Bremen in Germany, for 24 years now.
Thomas invented his own language in primary school because he was bored and needed a hobby. It was a German version because that was the only language he knew. Thomas was interested in reading and went to the library to read because his family could not afford to buy books. And, in secondary school, after reading Benjamin Lee Whorf's book on linguistic relativity, he was convinced that he would become a linguist.
So, how did a German professor of linguistics learn about the CHamoru language? While researching the effects of language contact in the Philippines and coming across a dictionary of the CHamoru language. He has since spoken extensively on the Hispanicization of CHamoru.
Thomas and I discussed the significance of language to identity, language's endangerment, and the success or failure of programs and measures attempted in Germany and other areas to prevent language suicide. In conclusion, Stolz expressed candidly ways that the CHamoru language could survive.