A shorter podcast for those weary of the 3+ hour marathons, we're diving into Part Two of the discussion with Mike Schlegel, formerly of the Idaho Fish and Game, regarding wolves, their impact on Idaho, and lessons for Colorado - should anyone be willing to listen! This discussion dives in head-first, so buckle up, and TAKE NOTES! ...if you want to chime in on the USFWS 10(j) rule public comment period, there are some serious points in here to consider! If you want to testify before the Colorado State Legislature on CO Senate Bill 23–256, listen closely and take notes – there are serious points to consider!!! Right out of the gate, this episode hits on:
– Elk movement and the realities of the elk population in Idaho before and after wolf reintroduction;
– Elk depredation on agriculture/hay stores/production vs. livestock depredation;
– Federal land habitat quality and management;
– The fallacy of the "Trophic Cascade" regarding wolves in many habitats;
– The true "cost" of the wolf reintroduction – livestock vs loss of license sales vs game damage claims on ag products;
– Who really decides who is a "wolf depredation" specialist;
– A message to sportsmen for the USFWS 10(j) ruling public comment period;
– What does the 10(j) actually give us???;
– What exactly IS a "self-sustaining" wolf population???;
– Where the hell are the "sportsmen's groups" that offer a "good investment?"; and
– SOOOOooooo much more!