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By Paulo, Dave, Chris and Allan
1212 ratings
The podcast currently has 36 episodes available.
En este episodio Allan y Susana hablaron sobre sus experiencias con la agroforestería, destacando cómo esta transformó su perspectiva sobre la producción de alimentos y su relación con la naturaleza. Susana compartió su propio recorrido personal de descubrimiento de la agroforestería a través de sus propios problemas de salud y su participación en el Colectivo Espacios Verdes.
Durante la conversación, Allan y Susana exploraron el concepto de agroforestería y agricultura sintrópica. Enfatizaron la importancia de que los seres humanos sean una parte activa del ecosistema.
Susana también habló de la importancia de entender y ver a la naturaleza como un sistema inteligente. También habló de la necesidad de compartir conocimientos y recursos con las comunidades rurales para fomentar la abundancia y la sostenibilidad. Ambos participantes reconocieron el privilegio que poseen en sus posiciones y expresaron un sentido de responsabilidad para utilizar sus conocimientos e influencia en cambios globales positivos.
Además, Susana y Allan profundizaron en el tema de la pérdida de conocimientos y de identidad indígena debido a la colonización y comercialización, enfatizando la importancia de rescatar e integrar estos valiosos conocimientos en las prácticas contemporáneas. También discutieron sus planes de colaborar en un curso en junio.
Allan expresó su gratitud por las enseñanzas de Susana y el profundo impacto que tuvieron en su vida.
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Karen’s journey started in her bedroom window where one day the forest was there and then another day the forest was gone. This left a mark in her. When she was older she decided to study Biology and she focused her work on landscape restoration. This work led her to Monteverde in Costa Rica, a place she fell in love with. However, her big shift was when her son was born and she had a realization that what needed deeper restoration were our human inner landscapes. She jumped in deep into this work.
Now she guides people to be their own inner naturalists using the metaphors of the wise Mother Earth, using an ancient rite of passage ceremony, the wilderness quest, a ceremony that has been practiced by all cultures. We all have ancestors that practiced wilderness quests. We are all indigenous to this Earth and through her, we gain deep wisdom into our life mission and into our medicine. Karen guides us in our Mytho-Poetic-Journey of life.
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In this episode, we talk to Annette, Chanel and Allan the facilitators of PermaYouth Americas which is a container or platform for youth around the Americas to connect, learn from each other and empower themselves to be leaders and change-makers in their communities based on the Permaculture ethics of People care, Earth care and Fair share.
PermaYouth Americas is a subdivision of the global PermaYouth.
Annette, Chanel and Allan tell us about their journey that led them to this work. They also explain why they think the youth are so important in this journey of human transformation. The youth are the people that have the creativity to design a new way of human existence.
Annette, Chanel and Allan describe themselves as the composted organic matter or soil that creates the space for the youth to flower and a new ecosystem to emerge.
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Today we have the honor of interviewing Leonard Jacobson an awakened spiritual teacher, mystic, healer and an author who is deeply committed to guiding and supporting others in their journey towards wholeness. Leonard teaches how to become fundamentally present and awaken into the truth of who you are.
Leonard was born in Melbourne, Australia and resides in Wayzata near Minneapolis, Minnesota offering workshops and retreats throughout the U.S., Europe, Australia and Asia. He is the author of five books: Words from Silence, Journey into Now, Embracing the Present, Bridging Heaven & Earth and In Search of the Light, a winner of the Indie Children’s book award.
He is the founder of the Conscious Living Foundation, a registered non-profit organization established to support the awakening of human consciousness and to make his teachings widely available.
As a mark of honor and recognition to his selfless efforts in spiritual awakening, in 2005, he was awarded the Peace Prize by Religious Science International, although he is not affiliated or associated with any religion or church. His teaching is both inclusive of, and transcendent of, all religions and spiritual traditions.
In this episode we talk about Leonard’s spiritual journey which includes various unexpected and spontaneous awakenings. We also discuss his teachings that consists of the two-step dance of awakening – the first step leads to presence and the second step, to mastery of the mind and ego.
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Hoy nos trasladamos a Playa Hermosa de Jaco en Costa Rica y hablamos con Melina Chacón o Meztlikali desde Playa Hermosa de Jaco en Costa Rica. Ella es originaria de Grecia, Costa Rica y desde temprana edad y a través de su curiosidad, ha incursionado en un camino espiritual, llegando hoy en día a ser una guía espiritual que empodera a la gente a adueñarse de su vida y a caminar el camino de su alma. Nos cuenta que ella no puede caminar nuestro camino por nosotros pero nos puede guiar y acompañar.
Melina dejo su trabajo en publicidad para dedicarse plenamente a una vida de conexión consigo misma y a guiar a gente a hacer lo mismo.
En este episodio Melina nos da herramientas de como conectarnos con nosotros mismos para poder sostener nuestro espacio, tomar responsabilidad sobre nuestras acciones y relaciones y eventualmente adueñarnos de nuestro ser y nuestro camino.
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En este episodio, Alejandro Junger, author del libro CLEAN, nos cuenta el motivo por el cual decidió perseguir diferentes maneras de curar al cuerpo y mantener la salud, además de la medicina tradicional, para poder curarse él mismo y así poder curar a otros. Tocamos temas como el ayuno, la salud intestinal, las fluctuaciones naturales del ambiente y la identificación con los pensamientos.
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In this Episode Aanghel shares with us his experience on doing a dopamine detox, the quickest easiest simplest way to reset your mind. In addition, he shares the levels of detox we can do and how to do them, as well as the long lasting benefits that aligned with what we want to do in life and help us reach our potential.
Show Notes:
How to do a dopamine detox:
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Hoy nos trasladamos a Francia a entrevistar a Lucía Casanova.
Lula nació en Uruguay el 31 de agosto de 1988. Tiene una licenciatura en Administración de Empresas y otra en Audiovisual las cuales no las está ejerciendo en este momento.
En 2016 comenzó a trabajar con plantas medicinales y a realizar ceremonias ancestrales en la selva.
Vivió en Costa Rica, Brasil y actualmente vive en Francia.
Tiene una formación en Registros Akáshicos y Constelaciones Familiares. Actualmente se está enfocando en su Árbol genealógico y en la biodecodificación.
Ofrece terapias de Iniciación y Caminante y es la autora del libro “El Viaje de la Vida”.
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Grace MacNeil is a trained herbalist, an Arvigo therapist, and the founder of
Monarch Apothecary where she creates artisan herbals and soaps using herbs
sustainably, harvested and cultivated in a 24 acre farm in southern Indiana since
2006 for the local and internationally community.
She is a Certified Advanced Holistic Doula through The Matrona, Certified Cupping
therapist and Reiki practitioner. She is the co-founder of the Heartland School of
Herbal Studies and mom to three grown children.
She was born with an amniotic band syndrome and spent much of her childhood
having reconstructive surgeries.
Her interest in Plant Medicine started 1995 when she got pregnant from her first
child and read the book Hygieia: “A Woman’s Herbal” by Jeannine Parvati Baker a
herbalist from Utah.
In 2000, she moved with her husband to North Carolina and began her professional
herbal education training completing a 2 year and 400 hr certificate program in
herbal medicine at the North Carolina School of Natural Healing with the herbalist
Himani Ellis.
Grace offers the Arvigo®Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy along with holistic
assessment, herbal consultation, FIRE and biomagnetic cupping, self care massage
instruction, and other supportive modalities such as herbal remedies.
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The podcast currently has 36 episodes available.