Featuring Sally Thomas and Karen Chouhan from the National Education Union (NEU), and Bethan Miller from the PSHE Association. This episode considers how much of an impact the new statutory guidance could have on promoting equality in school policies and practices, both inside and outside of the classroom.
Covered in this episode: supporting whole school approaches to ensuring equality and challenging discrimination; approaches to teaching an inclusive RSHE curriculum; the impact of global and national events (BLM, #metoo etc.) on what is taught in the classroom; barriers to teaching about equality; and more.
Visit www.neu.org.uk to join the National Education Union.
Mentioned in this episode:
NSPCC: How safe are our children? (featuring contribution from Sally Thomas): https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/how-safe-are-our-children
DfE Statutory RSHE guidance: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education
Inclusion and belonging (PSHE Association): https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/curriculum-and-resources/resources/inclusion-belonging-addressing-extremism-%E2%80%94-ks1-2
Handling complex issues safely in the PSHE classroom (PSHE Association): https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/curriculum-and-resources/resources/handling-complex-issues-safely-pshe-education
Anti-racism framework (NEU): https://neu.org.uk/anti-racism-charter