The founding of Sacred Heart of Mary High School in Montebello, California, narrated by Sister Virginia Joseph Class of 1943 and Sister Dorothy Bartels, Class of 1944, both RSHM, and Mrs. Maxine Joseph Shalhoub Class of 1947.
During the Spring of 1942 Reverend Mother Gerard Phelan, RSHM, Provincial Superior, announced the opening of a new school in Montebello, California.
At that time World War II was well underway and building materials were scarce so it made it difficult to build a new school and the property lay bare. On June 1, 1942, while Mother Gertrude Cain, Mother Francoise O'Hare and Mother Emmanuel Gallagher were visiting the property, they had the delightful chance to witness the arrival of the traveling structures of the former Oneata Academy that would become the home for Sacred Heart of Mary High School.
In this episode, Sister Virginia, Sister Dorothy and Maxine, share their stories as students during the early years of Sacred Heart of Mary High School.
The early days were marked by dedication to teaching, care, concern, a certain amount of scolding with affection. A love of teacher for student and student for teacher remained the hallmark of Sacred Heart of Mary High School.
And we will always love you though we be far, far away (from the school alma mater)
Pictured from left: Mrs. Maxine Joseph Shalhoub, Sr. Dorothy Bartels, RSHM, Sr. Virginia Joseph, RHSM.