Did you know that there are 30.7 million small businesses in the U.S. which account for 99.9 percent of all U.S. businesses (SBA, 2019)? In turn, small businesses account for 64% of new jobs created in the United States yearly. Unfortunately due to the global pandemic, over 70% of US Small Businesses shut down in March of 2020 and currently 31% of Small businesses are not operational.
Today, Julian Gray interviews Jeff Haugen, an SEO Analyst from our Chicago office, about a recent article he wrote about why you should support local small businesses. Then, Karly Scott interviews Ryan Garrow of Joyful Dirt, a best-selling organic plant food on Amazon. Ryan talks all about the pivots and changes his business made in 2020 and what strategies small businesses should take in 2021. Lastly, Julian Gray gives us an online starter kit for small businesses.
Episode Idea Provided By Karly Scott & Jeff Haugen
Episode Written By Karly Scott, Jeff Haugen, Julian Gray, Antwone Stewart
Edited By Josh Bailey
Hosted By Karly Scott & Julian Gray
Special Thanks To Our Guests Ryan Garrow & Jeff Haugen