In the Season One Finale Sherilyn(@cherie_amour5) and Brittany(@mississippi.bea) interview Founder of Prospectives in the Key of Brown book club, Dara Stoney(@hey.brown.girl). The trio discusses Dara’s Passion and Purpose as it relates to her love of novels and connecting with people. Dara suggested Red At The Bone by Jaqueline Wilson as a great Boujee Summer read.
S&B also dive into the topics of therapy, suicide, and the ups and downs of Brittany’s first year living in D.C. The two talk about being Plant-Mom’s and hiatus plans. The ladies of Spiritual and Boujee would like to thank all of their subscribers and listeners for their support in making Season One a success. Our website is complete! Visit
Prospectives in the Key of Brown can be found on Good Reads
Season Two will begin airing on October 4, 2020.