Today’s guests are my colleagues in podcasting—Joe Levitan, Adam Stieglitz, Shikha Diwakar, and Vanessa Gold –the AR Podcast team, which they call “the first podcast dedicated solely to Action Research.”
The podcast is “intended mostly for those interest in research and social change” and tackles tricky issues in the Action Research process, like reflexivity, collaboration, rigor, and iteration through discussions with established and emerging action researchers.
This episode is the second part of a collaborative podcast with them on their podcast (click on the link above to hear the first part!).
Joe is an assistant professor and graduate program director in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University in Montréal, Québec.
Joe has published studies on collaborative work in education, culturally responsive leadership, and educational policy and curriculum development. He is also the co-founder and co-director of the Pallata Community Education Center, which is a learning space in the Peruvian highlands that uses participatory collaborative approaches to address community-identified learning goals.
Adam is a doctoral candidate in the Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organization Development program at the University of Louisville and director of the Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development, a social change organization in the Peruvian highlands.
Vanessa is a doctoral student in the Department of Integrated Studies of Education at McGill University studying pedagogical change processes in secondary schools.
Shikha is a doctoral student in the Department of Integrated Studies of Education at McGill University, studying experiences of Dalit women in higher education institutions in India.