Welcome back to another episode of 'Saabirah's Space', in this episode I share my thoughts on black-owned businesses working with influencers, share a few tips and information for new content creators/influencers/bloggers and I also get into some of the things that influencers and black-owned businesses may not know about the process of gifting and paid work within the content creating industry.
Saabirah: Saabirahlawrence.com Instagram: @SaabirahLawrence Twitter: @Saabirahlblog Facebook: @Saabirahlawrenceblog
Sign up to the Saabirah's Space Newsletter: https:\\saabirahlawrence.us18.list-manage.com\subscribe?u=89a93aa49d9d61b33184401f&id=d61b9819b1
How Bloggers & Black Owned Businesses Can Work Together: https://bit.ly/3jK3Qvd
Ronke Lawal / Ariatu PR: https://bit.ly/39vbYeg
Mariam / Black British Bloggers: https://bit.ly/3f8pV34
Melissa’s Wardrobe: https://bit.ly/32ZH5NO
Iman / Lima Comms: https://bit.ly/2OZqp0P