Do you wonder Why you have NOT achieved your ultimate power yet? Welcome Back ? . Have you ever been disappointed because you could not meet your own expectations? And if you go back to those times, can you remember the conversations you had with yourself? Are they “blame” conversations? May be “filling bad for myself” conversations? Or may be “what did I learn and how can I do it better next time” conversations?
The reality is: the first two options are not real options for peak performers. They are energy drainers. They suck the power out of your heart and the air out of your lunges. They disempower you and keep you helpless and stuck in your tracks. However, Taking responsibility for what happens, no matter what it is, empowers you to take charge and lead life like a boss.
Here’s a fact: Outcomes always mimic responses. Mathematically we say an Outcome is a function of response (O= f(R)). This means, if your response is highly empowering, then the outcome is highly favorable. Why? Because events happen anyway. It’s called life circumstances. Nothing against you personally ?. Events are outside of your control. Your response to any event, however, is 100% in your control.
So if you have not achieved your optimum potential yet, here’s the million dollar question: “what have you been rationalizing?” in other words:
1. What are the circumstances? And 2. What has your response been? You can get more answers following the link in this post. Next thursday we'll talk about How to aster your goals. Until then ... please remember to seize the moment, perform your best and live consciously.