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By Home Credit Indonesia
The podcast currently has 7 episodes available.
The pandemic has shaken everyone's lives. From being stuck at home to the decrease of career opportunities. Is it okay for us to continue dreaming in this condition? Catch our newest SACI podcast where our friend, Esra Tambunan, shared how there are ways to adapt to all these changes. Tune in here!
#FinancialLiteracy #EmpowertoInnovate #DoItCerdas #SACIPodcast
Penasaran ga sih gimana temen-temen kamu bisa percaya diri banget tentang masa depan keuangan mereka? Yuk tonton episode terbaru SACI Podcast bersama External Affair Director kami, Andy Nahil Gultom, untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang investasi dan bagaimana caranya kamu bisa membangun kepercayaan diri dalam mengelola segala urusan keuanganmu!
Kamu gelisah tentang dampak pandemi terhadap keadaan ekonomi? Gimana sih cara agar kita bisa terus bertahan di saat-saat yang tidak pasti? Jangan panik! Yuk pelajari seluk beluk keuangan. Dimulai dari mengelola rekening tabungan-mu hingga tips mengajukan proteksi kita kupas tuntas di edisi terbaru SACI Podcast bersama Ali Hufron!
Mau tahu lebih banyak tentang peran perempuan dalam ekonomi? Atau mau dengar tips-tips selama pandemi dari sudut pandang ekonomi? Dengerin podcast spesial di Hari Kartini yang membahas tentang topik-topik ini.
Cari tahu perjalanan karir dan tips dari narasumber spesial kita, Masyita Crystallin, Staf Khusus Menteri Keuangan bidang Makro Fiskal.
Yuk dengarkan SACI Podcast kita bareng host kita Freya Pradieta, VP Brand & Communications Home Credit Indonesia.
Yopi Ivanda, Head of FP & A kita siap bantu kamu membongkar mitos dan menyiapkan rencana keuangan #FUNancial yang dapat membantu memulai kehidupan #YangKamuMau, seperti mendapatkan properti impian. Cuuuus enjoy!
Building your personal branding on social media takes some work. But, what if I say that it could lead you to some opportunity? Or… helps you build valuable network?
Find out the tips and tricks from our very own Social Sphere Scientist, Nindya Khalishta and start your personal branding journey today!
Enjoy our SACI Podcast with Nindya!
Change is never easy. It can be a difficult and daunting process for some of us. If you haven’t reached that place or position that you want in your career or life, never think that change is impossible. Don’t let your future to be limited by any situation. Let’s learn from our Agile Coach and start to get excited with changes.
Enjoy our SACI Podcast with Afifi Muluk to help you change for the better.
The podcast currently has 7 episodes available.