"Children of the Sun" is a weekly radio show broadcast live every Friday afternoon from 12:30 -2:30 on WSTX AM-970, "the soul of the Caribbean", and also on Facebook Live and as a podcast on the Sacred Breath Channel, available on all the platforms. The show is dedicated to positive energy from a 5th Dimensional metaphysical point of view. Past interviews have included Jasmuheen, Elitom El-Amin, Dan Brule, Brother Sage, Tom Thompson, Jac O'Keeffe, Andreas Mueller, Warren Mosler, Jesse Boudreau, Andrew Kirschbaum, Bob Frissell, Katia Boustani, Neda Boin, Senator Genevieve Whitaker, and etc. So it's a wide ranging program covering everything from Breathwork to Modern Monetary Theory to Orin Therapy to Breatharianism to Local Politics to Non-duality, and more, but the unifying theme is healing and advancement on all levels--healing our minds, emotions, bodies, communities, and society to elevate and uplift all of us together. We believe that being woke spiritually without being woke politically is spiritual bypassing, and being woke politically without being woke spiritually just perpetuates the "us vs. them" mentality that is the source of all our problems and makes real solutions impossible. In short, we are in radical opposition to the ego and all it has created. Please remember to like and subscribe! It costs you nothing and helps out bigtime with the algorithm. Thank you to our Patreon Supporters and other Donors! We couldn't do it without you as we have no other source of funding--we do not take advertising or corporate sponsorship so we can remain truly independent.