The New Moon, day one of a menstrual bleed, the first day of a new season, can signify a new beginning. As spiritual womxn leaders, we love tapping into the feeling of new beginnings, for it means it is a new dawn, and our explorer-self is ready to seek another adventure.
But what happens when our new beginnings take on a different form? It feels vague, unknown, slippery, and intangible? The frequency of this type of new beginning can sometimes feel elusive and therefore scares us.
On today’s episode of Sacred Business Podcast, I share my feelings around new beginnings. I believe there are two types, and I’m ready to share it with you when they are.
A hint - think new chapter vs. a new book.
I don’t know where I’ll go from here, but I’m here. I am here to walk this Priestess path with myself and with you.
Thanks for listening to the Sacred Business Podcast with me, Sora Surya No. If you love the show and desire to know more, check out I would so appreciate it if you would leave a love note, aka a review on iTunes, Spreaker, Sticher, or iHeart.
Now, remember, you have the power to create ANYTHING. You can bring forth beauty, abundance, and grace in your business and life every day while living a life that is wild, free & calm. You are worthy, divine sister!