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By Said I Would
The podcast currently has 6 episodes available.
Life is full of games. Not all are created equal. Some are more compelling than others. Each compels its own demographic and they all have effects of varying degrees on those who play them. In this talk, we discuss the insecurities reflected in our decisions, in the way we speak, the aspirations we anchor ourselves into and the games we allow ourselves to be consumed by. Sometimes the greater victory than proving them wrong, being enough, and figuring it all out is… asking yourself whether the game is worth playing at all.
When did it stop being fun? Was it ever fun to begin with? Are there games out there that are more compelling, more fulfilling, more pleasurable and more aligned with what I know to be true about the world, the people in my life and how I relate to them? Hmm..
@00:00 - Fleeing The Present Moment
@00:59 - Thru The Storm We Find Direction / Trusting The inner Voice
@01:45 - Clarity Over Conditions
@02:24 - Evaluating Your "Needs"
@03:50 - Games Played Due To Outdated "Needs"
@04:42 - Releasing Outdated "Needs" / Turning Insecurity Into Superpowers
In this episode, we observe the requirements we put in place for fulfillment. For many of us, the chase for certainty breeds anxiety and pressure. Perhaps the way to peace is to reevaluating the boxes we feel we need to check in order to be fulfilled.
The sandbox is a space for thinking, creating, and expressing with as little attention to impression as possible. Here, we're free to express, dabble, tinker, and experiment with ideas, feelings, beliefs, mental models and perspectives of all sorts. Here, we can stammer, stutter, project, whisper, shout, laugh and cry as loud as we want to. The only rule upon stepping into the sandbox is to let go.
Gentle reminders for those who walk the path of transmuting and dissolving destructive and/or self-limiting beliefs.
@00:00 - A Thought - There is a need—for many of us—for reassurance. Verbal reassurance. Reassurance in the form of a desired outcome. Reassurance in our bank accounts. We need a certain combination of conditions to line up in order us to feel content, fulfilled, happy, loved, etc. But to be at the mercy of the millions of ever-changing and unpredictable factors in play is to gamble with your life. While a great portion of your circumstances are out of your control, there is a world of a difference to be made by focusing on what you believe ABOUT those circumstances.
@01:20 - Belief - What we believe determines what we see and experience which either reinforces our beliefs and feelings or challenges them. Being mindful of this feedback loop is the first step in influencing it.
@02:34 - Changing Beliefs - When we live life passively, what we see determines what we believe. Some beliefs are true until enough time passes for them to be outdated. Some beliefs are based on faulty reasoning to begin with. It’s useful to take some time in silence and stillness to look at your beliefs, ask yourself how you came to adopt them as truth, and determine whether they serve you or stifle you. It’s important to remember at every step of the way that a belief is just something you accept as truth. Some beliefs break away on their own whether instantly via some sort of shocking event or over time as life weeds out your self-imposed illusions (or adds them in). You can wait or you can be proactive in checking in with yourself and examining the programming that you run on.
The goal is to have beliefs that result in a happier, more generous and fulfilled version of yourself. It will take time to flush out the faulty beliefs but what matters is that you’re on the path at all.
@04:30 - Why This Shit Matters To Me - Having spent a good amount of time in a state of feeling defeated, I understand with absolute clarity the importance of installing beliefs that despite the circumstances no matter how hopeless they seem. No matter how normal those hopeless circumstances have become!
@05:35 - Believing Is Seeing - A mental model to help make you less reliant on the “desirable” conditions. We plant our emotional flag in things like money, relationships, career, etc. These are fleeting targets. Plant it internally. Change your conditions to change your condition.
@08:10 - Final words
The podcast currently has 6 episodes available.