This last Sunday, Bria wrapped up our Pentecost series with a teaching on 1 Corinthians 14v1.
In this passage Paul exhorts the church in Corinth to “follow the way of love and eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.”
To follow the way of love is to be connected to God’s love by the ministry of His Spirit. It is only when you freely receive God’s extravagant love that you are able to freely give that love away through the gifts of the Spirit.
When we rightly understand God through His love, we will naturally be excited to receive the gifts of His Spirit. They are good gifts that are meant to grow us into the likeness of Christ and to release the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Prophecy is one of the most prized gifts in Paul’s eyes because it puts courage into God’s people to be who He made them to be.
We desire the church in Newberg to be made radiant and beautiful through the purifying love of Jesus. Join us in following the way of love, and eagerly desiring the gifts of His Spirit.
Link to Sermon Guide & Activations: