We all feel emotions and how we respond to them shapes us and our relationships. Guilt and fear are two big emotions that express truth about a need that we have as created beings. Rick speaks with Cliff Roth, Executive Director of Crosspoint Ministries, about how our feelings - specifically guilt and fear - point to truths about humans that lead us back to an identity in Christ.
Leave a comment or a review with a question you may have for our Q&A episode at the end of the season!
To learn more about and/or contact Crosspoint Ministry, visit https://www.crosspointministry.com/
Have an idea for a topic we can cover? Email [email protected] to submit a topic.
Episode show notes here: https://www.gcceugene.org/saintsinsociety/episode-41
Show notes by episode here: https://gcceugene.org/podcast-show-notes%E2%81%A0%E2%81%A0
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):