Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women And Water

Salty Dreams Of Crabs

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The European Green Crab is a troublesome invasive species, that was brought to the United States via the ballast water of shipping vessels. The Green Crab population has become an increasing problem in many areas. Not only causing devastation to many native species such as soft shell clams, but also causing environmental damage such as erosion with their aggressive burrowing. I first met @thatsaltyblonde_ @thevikingdiver and @hybridfishingnhunting in the parking lot of the Hampton River Boat Club in Hampton, New Hampshire. Mere steps from where I painted my first boat bottom nearly 27 years before. A lot has changed around Hampton since I was a teenager, but the biggest change I was interested in witnessing was the Green Crab fishery that has emerged since the time I've been gone. This threesome was more then accommodating taking the children and I aboard their vessel. I felt very honored that they let me witness the inner workings of their fishery. If the invite on the boat wasn't enough they took us in for dinner like family. An absolute great group of people. I invite you to listen for yourself about the fishery and this great cast of characters on the latest Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women and Water podcast. Learn all about this fishery, hear about @thevikingdiver favorite bar, about the secretive @hybridfishingnhunting behind the camera and why despite your wild fantasies @thatsaltyblonde_ won't be viewing your unsolicited dick pic you sent her. I really enjoyed my time with these guys and I'm sure you will to. Delve deeper then what you think you know about people by judging a picture. This team is the real deal. #fisherman #fisherwoman #fisherwomen #crabber #crab #crabs #crablegs #crabfishing #green #greencrabs #fish #fishing #deadliestcatch #harvest #grundens #grundensusa #ocean #sustainability #invasivespecies #bait #workflow #dowhatyoulove #newengland #seafood #freshcatch #fishingpodcast #podcast #viciouscyclepodcast #newepisode #newepisodealert
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Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women And WaterBy Kenton Geer

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