Moving forward for season two, all of our in house guest will not only be audio recorded but video recorded as well for Spotify video podcast. This is the video from our last guest Will Lazenby's Livestream from my YouTube account Kentonocean. If you've already listened to this podcast you might enjoy putting a face to a voice and if you haven't heard or seen Will in action yet here's a great place to enter into the world of the Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women and Water podcast. Meet Captain Will Lazenby. Commercial fisherman, sport fisherman and all around man's man. Will is the latest guest on the Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women and Water podcast. Come have a listen as we follow Will's incredible life from living on a light house to traveling to Vietnam on a ammunition ship during the height of the war. Will has countless amazing stories from living along the Kona coast, both on and off the water. I loved doing this podcast. I didn't have to say much, because Wills stories spoke for himself. The thing I really took away from looking at Will's photo albums after the podcast is that despite the recording going over 3 hours, it probably wouldn't have gotten boring even after 3 days. #fishing #offshore #tunafishing #sportfishing #seafood #hawaii #marlin #marlinfishing #angling #deepseafishing #worldtravel #adventure #memoir