In this episode, Samantha breaks down & outlines the power within our cycles. Yup, our menstrual cycles. This one is for everyone, because we all either have/had a cycle, or know someone who does! In this episode we touch on:
The biological process vs. spiritual practice that is our menstrual cycles.
The inner seasons & what they’re asking of us.
The art & power of doing nothing.
How to practice menstrual cycle awareness.
The power that this can bring into your life & business.
Mentioned in the show:
“Wild Power” by Alexandra Pope & Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
“Code Red” & “Love Your Lady Landscape” by Lisa Lister
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I'm always a DM away if you have any Q's, want to dialogue about something in this episode even deeper, or want to chat about the coaching that I offer!
IG: @samanthaconnected
FB: @samanthaconnected
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