Kelly Wilson is a certified trauma recovery coach, and a survivor of childhood sexual abuse who has channeled her experiences in trauma recover via the comedy modality. Not the usual way, but an effective and accessible way.
A former elementary school teacher, Kelly was beloved for her deadpan sarcasm, which led her to pursue standup comedy, quit her job, and navigate a three year long identity crisis.
Kelly started the PTSD Parent podcast for parents dealing with trauma, and currently offers trauma remediation to lessen triggers, grief recovery, and healing through humor as part of her work in trauma recovery coaching on
How Kelly used comedy to cope
Teaching and being a comedian
Kelly and the PTSD Parent Podcast
Advice from Kelly● 0:25: Guest introduction
● 3:38: Identity Crisis at 40
● 6:00: Combining mental health speaking and comedy
● 8:22: Humor as a survival mechanism
● 11:28: PTSD Parent Podcast
● 14:03: One piece of advice for parents dealing with trauma
● 19:54: Kelly’s work and getting in touch
#healinglaughter #humour #PTSDparenting #sexualabuse #teaching #triggers #relationships #couples #healingfromcomplextrauma