Please welcome Dr. Feiyu Xu, Senior Vice President, Global Head of Artificial Intelligence at SAP. Feiyu has in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in the areas of AI platform development, conversational AI, knowledge graphs, information extraction, business intelligence, and big-data text analytics. Through her various functions, she has obtained broad experience of the total cycle of innovation in her expert areas – ranging from basic research via AI development all the way to products and their commercialization. Before joining SAP, Feiyu was Head of AI Lab at Lenovo Research based in Beijing. In 2013, she won a Google Focused Research Award for her contribution in the field of natural language processing. Feiyu was selected by Forbes China 2019 to the List of Top 50 Women in Tech. At Global AI Application Product Expo 2019, she was honored as one of the Top 10 Persons of the year in Chinese Artificial Intelligence. More information and resources for SAP Partners: