As their inaugural mission unfolds, Calliope leads the black ops team into La Bella Notte, an upscale restaurant owned by Don Enzo Valentino. Shadow Fox, the team's infiltrator within the Shogunate organization, has tipped them off about a clandestine meeting between the two factions at this venue. Their task: to monitor the unfolding events.
Declan played by Dan Stephens
Damon played by Chuck Knight
NuTon played by Ronnie Shenks
O.W.L.I.E played by John Mclay
Firestone played by Tony Stephens
Requiem played by Jessica Stephens
Luna played by Chrissy Frietas
ShadowStrike played by Matt Bennington
Scott Hibbard as MC Sizzle
Quad City Logo by Laura Hibbard
Music: A Worlds Worth of Work by Roxana Rose