Celebration time in today’s episode. I’ve written a book due out at the end of the month all about fathers, and fatherhood identity. This is so exciting to share especially as it involved research with 1500+ men, and is my second book in a year! SPUNK, which is also the title of my new book, is me sharing why I chose this title (sidenote for any “mansplainers”, I really do understand what the word means), what the meaning of this word originally was, and how it relates to modern fatherhood right now. In reading the introduction to you, I hope I whet your appetite for more because the research findings are fascinating. A perfect gift for Father’s Day and anytime you want to check out why fathers behave as they do, this is how one reviewer described SPUNK, “This book makes me want to be a better father. Even better it shows me how”. Can’t say fairer than that, right?!
“School for Fathers Podcast is like an ice cold beer”