Read by Jeff Page
Reflect in your journal.
Think about moments in the past year where your anger peaked, a moment where your response was bigger than the situation alone could explain. Write it down. What were the cues? How did you respond?
What other emotion came with the anger (eg. guilt, shame, fear?)
What was the wound, insecurity or unresolved issue underneath that emotion? What memory or situation is associated with that emotion?
Invite Jesus to be your bomb squad and your medic, He may uncover something painful that needs to be addressed and that’s okay. He is the Great Physician of heart, mind, body and soul.
Join King David in His prayers for this very thing:
Examine me, O Lord, and try me;
Test my mind and my heart.
For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes,
And I walk in Your truth. Ps 26:2–3.
Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts!
And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting! Ps 139:23–24.
Jesus is with you in this moment, No matter what you discover, the unfathomable love of God surrounds. Invite Jesus to dismantle whatever bomb He may find. Eternal life is a quality of life that you want to go on forever (which of course it does). Inviting Jesus into these places is a big step to increasingly experiencing that kind of life now.
Throughout your day
Continue to spy on your anger. Write notes throughout the day. Then reflect for 5-10 min every night try to identify and write down the cues, responses, cravings and rewards for each reaction of anger.
Search me and know my heart, O God. See if there are any hurtful ways in me and lead me in life everlasting. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
For Day 4
briefly review the instruction above and spend some time reading and clarifying your responses to the reflection questions.
Who are you holding responsible for the pain uncovered?
Talk to Jesus about that person. Write at least a few sentences to God in your journal.