Cosmic Cousins

Scorpio Full Moon

05.06.2020 - By Jeff HinshawPlay

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Scorpio Full Moon

I harness.  I release.  I transform.

Heightened emotion and psychic receptivity. Long kept secrets revealed. This Scorpio Full Moon will likely dig up some Deeper Truths. If these new discoveries are painful or bring up uncomfortable emotions, trust that whatever arises is meant to be illuminated for the evolution and realignment of you.In the world around us, this Scorpio Full Moon may have us all feeling a bit more intense or sensitive, as we are highly attuned to unseen forces at play. This makes us quite adept in our ability to peer into the mysteries of it all. New information is likely to emerge around themes of sexuality and power, particularly as it relates to government, authority, career, and the environment (Scorpio's ruling planet Pluto is in Capricorn). Be mindful of who you interact and engage with around these topics. You may be more magnetically drawn toward outdated patterns: self-sabotage, drugs and alcohol, power dynamics, sexual compulsion, co-dependency, obsession, conspiracy, secrecy and even manipulation. With sharp discernment and precision, consciously focus your energy on healing. By doing so, you hold space (Fixed) for the emotional transformation (Water) to occur. *Use the 'King of Cups' in the tarot to meditate on the Fixed Water embodiment.The Fixed Water modality of the Scorpio Full Moon can have of us holding on to emotion. This lower vibration of Fixed Water manifests as depression, repressed rage, jealousy, holding grudges, seeking revenge, or trying to gain control or power over our emotions. If this is the case, spend time with or around water to help you release any stagnation. We may also be more susceptible to storing other people's emotions or energies. Be weary of "energy vampires" or toxic individuals or environments. Practice spiritual hygiene. Set clear boundaries. Be sure to cleanse your space and call upon assistance from your guides.What parts of yourself are ready to die? Tune in and acknowledge these parts. But be gentle. Death is a slow and sensual process. Find a healthy outlet for processing the grief of this death-rebirth cycle. Ritual, ancestral work, altar building, tarot reading, journaling, therapy, deep conversations with a trusted friend, sexual healing, and ceremonial expression like painting, poetry, chanting, or music are all highly recommended at this time.This is also a great time to be alone. Scorpio energy invites us into a more internal landscape. What would Georgia O'Keeffe do? (Cosmic Cousin's 'Queen of Scorpio'). O'Keeffe left New York City and moved to the middle of the desert where she transformed her grief into beautiful portraits of bones, landscapes, and flowers–reflecting on themes of Life & Death. Allow her life to be a metaphor of how to navigate the energies of the Full Moon. Deepen your esoteric studies or creative pursuits. Engage with and honor the four elements. Light a candle. Take a bath. Massage your body. Take deep breathes. If able, spend time in nature. She is here to help us with this transformation. Blessed be!________________________________________


In my own practice, I refer to Saturn as the “Planet of Spiritual Adult-ing”. Saturn’s placement in your Birth Chart will indicate where soul-growth occurs throughout your lifetime, encouraging you to step up to the podium of your “Higher Self”.I believe this workshop to be quite timely, as Saturn has now moved into the Collective Air sign of Aquarius. We have strongly been feeling this transition globally, as the world has shifted due to Covid-19.Saturn in Aquarius is an invitation for us to commit to humanity, take responsibility for community, and to use the internet like an adult. Aquarius also rules over astrology, offering us a deeper invitation toward engaging with astrology as a tool to be taken seriously.If you are longing to go deeper with Saturn, this workshop is fo

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