Presented by broadcaster Kim McAllister and Dr Murray Collins, space lead at the University of Edinburgh and CEO of Space Intelligence - the Scotland's Secret Space Race Christmas Special offers an entertaining yet informative insight into 2020's space news.
Supported by the Data Driven Innovation Programme and produced by Connect, this episode features:
MARK LOGAN - author of the Scottish Technology Ecosystem Review and former COO of Skyscanner. He discusses the report, whose recommendations have been accepted in full by the Scottish Government, and how it relates to the space sector
FRANK STRANG AND YVETTE HOPKINS - the CEO and Executive of Shetland Space Centre discuss their multi-million pound contract win with Lockheed Martin and how they're involving the whole of Shetland's community in space.
DR MATJAZ VIDMAR - researcher and innovation expert at the University of Edinburgh discusses the space ecosystem and how well-placed it is to grow
KRISTINA TAMANE - business development executive at the University of Edinburgh reveals the magic of bringing diverse experts together on multi-million pound projects
REBECA URSU - member of the UK's only student-led space company Asteria explains the ambition of 100 students to launch a satellite