FRIGHT FEST is back! Created by the talented genre chameleons Ryan Murphy & Brad Falchuk, the FX original anthology series "American Horror Story" (2011 - ongoing) is a horror show that centers on different characters, settings, and storylines from season to season and has starred many actors like Lady Gaga, Kathy Bates, Angela Bassett, Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Jessica Lange, Emma Roberts, Taissa Farmiga, Finn Wittrock, Dylan McDermott, Connie Britton, and many others. But it must start with a pilot. And in this case, Murder House. Tune in as we go over the seasons and see how they're generally ranked to audiences, compare the pilot script to the first episode, talk the characters and their depth, and explain why AHS Murder House is a fresh take on the 'haunted house' subgenre.
Created by Drew Hellmich
Written by Drew, Matt, and Bryan Hellmich
Produced by Drew Hellmich
Music by Bryan Hellmich
Edited by Drew Hellmich
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