A big question on the minds of targets of workplace abuse is: how do I prevent abuse at work from happening again? While we can't prevent abuse at work but are now prepared to see red flags, we can arm ourselves with information about potential employers without having to sift through hundreds of reviews on job boards.
Culturama.is is a game-changer for our job hunts and employer accountability. It's a brand-new tool that automatically analyses 4.8 million job review board opinions to help you compare the largest 1,500 global organizations on work-related problems so you can make informed career decisions. In this episode, I talk with Culturama founder Tomasz Urbanski about what Culturama is, how it works, and how Culturama can disrupt employer lack of accountability.
Get a quick walk-through:
Visit the tool:
Then upvote and review it so it can climb the rankings, and we can get the word out to employers will pay attention to their ratings:
If you've been abused at work and would like to share your story anonymously, email [email protected].
If you feel like you need more help, I have a free guide to recovery steps at http://www.dignitytogether.org/targets.
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