Welcome to Scribblers' Rest, where a group of Florida creatives play RPGs!
The Scribblers get real as they venture head first into Rappan Athuk: Episode 49 - Beat You With An Orphan
The dockside doppelganger's taunts get under the Friendship Brigade's skin.
Game Master - William Tucker (Writer for TPK Games as well as Kenzer and Company, & Scribblers' Rest co-host regular)
Ahlyndara Luric, Elf Monk - Miriam Medina (Artist/Co-Owner of Genki Goth Studios & Scribblers' Rest co-host regular)
Drosk, Half-Orc Cleric - Dee Jay Smith (Artist/Co-Owner of Genki Goth Studios & Scribblers' Rest co-host regular)
Alithas Draytyn, Elf Swashbuckler - Kyle Walker (Dungeon Master of Adventures of the Untold podcast/Twitch channel)
Nissa Timbers, Gnome Hunter with Poe, bear companion - Alysha Bailey (Adventures of the Untold podcast)
Artor Stormslasher, Human Oracle - Nico Hurta (Adventures of the Untold podcast)
Fugiyama Suigetsu, Half-Elf Samurai - Xavier Torres (Adventures of the Untold podcast)
We play role-playing games such as: Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and Shadowrun.
Roleplaying, RPG, D20, DnD, Tabletop Games. TTRPG
Audio - Gregory Mohn (Good Egg Productions)
Music by Michael R. Fletcher (also a kickass author) and the Doppels Band!
Introduction & Closing by BB Wolfe
Scribblers' Rest logo by Genki Goth Studios.
Thank you to Frog God Games.