This podcast was made necessary as a result of the impacts of devaluation of quota in the Queensland Spanner Crab fishery.The implications of this on commercial fishers is explained in detail by Richard Hamilton, a commercial fisher with 40 years experience who is now dealing with the impacts of poor fisheries management decisions taken by Fisheries Queensland.Richard has shared his experiences with quota management amongst industry and the community in many formats including:1. Queensland Fisheries Reform: Ep #07 (Part 1)QSIA YouTube Channel2. Queensland Fisheries Reform: Ep #07 (Part 2)QSIA YouTube Channel3. QSIA News Posts, 7 December 2018Quota Managed Fisheries: Spanner Crab4. Queensland Seafood Industry Association (QSIA) Podcast, 2 August 2018Queensland Spanner Crab Fishery5. Queensland Seafood magazineIssue No 4 - 20196. Queensland Seafood magazineIssue No 3 - 2019