Today's church services were held online only, due to coronavirus concerns. The full 11 AM service can be viewed at:
The Church has always needed to face uncertainty. Whether this uncertainty was viruses, war, poverty, or other calamities - the followers of Jesus have always been a part of this world and its troubles. As Rev. Tom describes, Jesus and anyone who would be his disciple must face another difficulty - they never really fit in. In the reading from Mark, a vineyard owner and his servants face violent opposition from those entrusted to grow the vineyard. Even his son is not immune to their wrath. Our pastor from Pennsylvania describes how Jesus' spiritual purpose on Earth is like a keystone - not fitting in with the expected pattern of bricks in a facade, because it has a deeper, special purpose within the whole. As Rev. Tom describes, we too are called to act in a new way within community, to build on the foundation of the keystone, to support the whole world in the process of God's redeeming works. (Bible reading - Mark 12:1-12, NRSV)
We ask you to remember to continue giving. In times like these, our financial demands tend to increase rather than decrease. We encourage you to give online at (And you can always mail in a check.)
Collecting Food Bags for Families Affected by Virus-related School Closures or Income Loss - We are in close contact with CARES about potential needs for the marginalized during this pandemic. Many students at Guilford Elementary/Middle School (and around the city) rely on breakfast and lunch provided by the school. If schools close due to the coronavirus, our community children could go hungry. Others in hourly service jobs may go without pay or lose their jobs. We are proactively putting together food bags (using our t-shirt bags) of non-perishable foods. These will be handed out by GEDCO CARES if schools are closed. If not, the food will be distributed during regular CARES Food Pantry hours.
For Each T-Shirt Bag:
2 boxes spaghetti
2 jars spaghetti sauce
2 boxes Velveeta Shells & Cheese
4 Ramen noodle packages
2 boxes of cereal (Frosted Flakes & Honey Nut Cheerios)
6-pack of individual sweetened apple sauces
2 cans green beans
6 or 8-pack box of granola bars
2 cans tuna
2 cans of a hearty soup
Drop off bags in the Mission Corner or at the church office during regular business hours, Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM.
Habitat for Humanity Spring Build Days - Saturdays, March 21, May 2, May 30; and Fridays, April 17, June 12. New Habitat for Humanity build days in the Woodbourne-McCabe neighborhood will start up in March and are currently scheduled through November. We are looking for volunteers. If interested, sign up online here: Rev. Jenn DiFrancesco at [email protected] can also answer your questions.
Mission Book Group - Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour. We are postponing our March book group until April - Wednesday, April 15, 7 PM, Westcott Room.