For our first episode of Securely Speaking I was incredibly fortunate to interview Lt.Col Dave Grossman. We discuss a broad range of topics including personal resilience, the dramatic effects of sleep deprivation.
Lt.Col Grossman is the author of iconic books such as on combat, on killing and assassination generation. His roles have included being a us army ranger, paratrooper and a former Westpoint psychology professor. He is the foremost law enforcement trainer in America if not globally, certified in all 50 states where he has trained all the federal agencies, tier 1 spec ops and also the military. He has been on the road sharing his knowledge and experience nearly 300 nights per year for the last 23 years.
By the numbers he has six non-fiction books, five patents to his name, has published four novels, has three entries in the academic press encyclopedia of violence peace and conflict, has published two children's books and is the first guest we have had on securely speaking.