Software as a service, or SaaS, has been a huge success. There are now some 30 thousand SaaS applications on the market worldwide. These cover everything from niche requirements to running entire businesses.
The SaaS revolution has certainly brought benefits to businesses.
But are SaaS applications secure and robust enough? Supporters of SaaS argue that their applications are actually safer and more resilient than locally-run IT.
However, Cloud vendors, including SaaS companies, rely on the shared responsibility model. In simple terms, they look after the infrastructure, but the customer is responsible for their data.
This can leave organisations with real problems, if their data is inaccessible, or even deleted.
This could be down to human error, malicious actions, such as a ransomware attack, or even a SaaS provider failure.
Our guest today is Simon Taylor, Founder and CEO of HYCU. He believes that SaaS users need to take more control of their data, even when it's in a SaaS application.