In this episode of See generally, Chris Morten, Associate Clinical Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, joins Kristen Marino to discuss his research in technology, health, information, and intellectual property law. Professor Morten begins by describing his clinical work and practice experience. Then, he discusses his forthcoming article, Publicizing Corporate Secrets, which argues that regulators may publish trade secret information to noncommercial users and proposes a framework for doing so. Additionally, Morten describes his recent co-authored article, The Big Data Regulator, Rebooted: Why and How the FDA Can and Should Disclose Confidential Data on Prescription Drugs and Vaccines. This paper illustrates the problems with agencies withholding data about medicines and vaccines, and it proposes a model to encourage information-sharing.
Interview by Kristen Marino, Media Editor, Vol. 171, University of Pennsylvania Law Review.
Cover Art by Emily Horwitz, Online Executive Editor, Vol. 170, University of Pennsylvania Law Review.
Cite as: See generally, A Conversation with Professor Chris Morten, U. Pa. L. Rev. (Apr. 18, 2023),