榮幸邀請到本人學生時期的偶像不說了 快聽吧 I admired him so much when I was in uni well still lah lol. Cut to the chase. Go listen!
學習日文心路歷程 Journey of studying Japanese
敬語到底多難搞 the Art of "Keigo" what the hell... そんけいご v.s.けんじょうご
如何維持日語語感 How to maintain your Japanese
日本職場文化就是君主制? Japan working culture. how the seniority hierarchy works in JP?
給日文學子的建議 Advice to students whose major is Japanese
commercial time! As the owner of one of the famous rooftop bars in Taipei, Yancy and his teammates develop and provide loads of unique and local beer/ cocktails for customers to experience. The most incredible specialty is that they even installed several tents on the rooftop as seating area. Pioneer move! If you happen to be in Taipei Xinyi District, pls remember to stop by! https://www.instagram.com/chonbar.wine/?hl=en
A friendly reminder.... don't forget to book before you go lol....
他酒吧很夯 記得訂位 https://goo.gl/maps/J7Z9PMnhd1F3yxnC7
Where at: 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段71巷6號7F 7F., No.6, Ln.71, Sec.5, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City,,Taiwan (R.O.C.)