Look out your front window.
Does your lawn need watered?
How do you know?
Because you can look out, see the state of your lawn, and decide if it’s had too much water, too little water, or just enough.
Too little water and your lawn becomes brown, dry, brittle, and lifeless.
Too much and it becomes muddy, soggy, and grows things like moss.
So you use your eye and intuition to decide when and how much to water.
But what if you’re watering not a lawn, but millions of acres of seed fields, like Anthony Lackore and his team at Corteva?
We sat down with Anthony recently and he gave us some incredible insight on:
- Agricultural Technology
- The progression of decision agronomy
- The role of technology in agricultural production
You can find this interview, and many more by subscribing to the Seeking Surfboards Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on Our Website.