Part 4 of the Wednesday Workshop: Covering Indian Country, Public Lands and Environmental Justice in the West
Mining Public Records for Stories on Public Lands
News is about change, and there’s been a whole lotta change in the management of U.S. public lands lately. The Trump administration is moving to open millions of acres to oil and gas development and recently put an outspoken critic of public lands in power at the Bureau of Land Management. This session will offer tips on how to dig out stories about what’s happening and what’s at stake.
>> Resources (PDF)
Moderator: Tim Wheeler, Managing Editor, (Chesapeake) Bay Journal and Chair, Freedom of Information Task Force, Society of Environmental Journalists
Jimmy Tobias, Independent Reporter
Tim Whitehouse, Executive Director, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
Laurel Williams, US Public Lands and Rivers Conservation Program, The Pew Charitable Trusts