Yong Zhao is a Federation Distinguished Professor in the school of education at the university of Kansas and a professor in educational leadership at the Melbourne graduate school of education. He's published many books, articles and papers and is quite outspoken on ways to avoid looking to the past, and instead looking to the future for ways to improve education. Yong joined me on the podcast in July 2021, and it's great to have him back on the show in the lead up to the 2022 Sydney Morning Herald Schools Summit, where he'll be giving a keynote address.
Yong's theme this year? Learners without borders: new conditions of learning and teaching
I caught up with Yong before the summit to dive into some of the ideas he'll be presenting on. Like last time, Yong brings inspirational thinking to the challenges facing education, and he does so with passion and good humour. Given that we've all had to become a lot more comfortable about staying within our borders during the last 2 years, I started by asking, just exactly which borders was he talking about when it comes to education...and how far do they extend?
For more information about Yong Zhao's work, visit the website.
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