In this episode of Serious Shot, Julie Denton, the President of Colorado Health Choice Alliance (CHCA), explains how and why we must engage with the Board of Health. CDPHE is the front line of many freedoms, and the Board of Health is even more important than the legislature hearings at the current time.
For the upcoming BOH meetings:
Mark your calendar for the third Wednesday of each month for monthly Board of Health meetings.
Attend monthly meetings. Access the website monthly to get information regarding the agenda, proposed rule changes, zoom meeting links, and testimony sign up links.
Request to become a stakeholder. Email the board and request to get emails as a stakeholder regarding a specific topic (ie office of immunizations, office of gun violence prevention, office of environmental justice): [email protected]
You can provide written feedback.
You can participate in the meetings.
You can provide public comment.Reasons to OPPOSE the rule change to titers testing in March 2023:
Overview at:
The Hep B vaccine page on the National Vaccine Information Center website provides data that the Hep B vaccine causes more disability and death in US children than the disease of Hepatitis B.
The Hep B Clinical Trial Experience (reported in Section 6.1 of the vaccine product insert) on the FDA’s approved drugs webpage reports that only 147 infants were studied for only 5 days before the Hepatitis B vaccine was FDA approved for all US children. This clinical trial lacks the power to show safety and efficacy.We must demand change on how the Board of Health interacts with the public. Attend meetings and keep notes for legislators to provide support for an audit. Issues to document should be framed in terms of lack of RESPONSIVENESS, lack of ACCOUNTABILITY, and lack of TRANSPARENCY, which are required by the SMART Act.
Demand accountability NOW before the next “health crisis” of gun control passes rules from the Office of Gun Violence Prevention through the Board of Health.
SHARE: This must-watch video of the exposed gun control agenda in Colorado: