"Apologies for the upload delay, we had some audio issues with Saturday's stream and found several with Today's and took some time to cleaned it up, you might notice some sudden cuts in audio, but our regular sermon is still in tacked "
Opening: #423
Awake! Awake, and Greet the new morn
Readings: #996
Psalm: #126
The Lord has done great things for us: we are filled with joy (Guimont)
Presentation: Be still (David Kauffmann)
Our Father: #184
Roman Missal (chant)
Closing: #401
O come, Divine Messiah!
All music reproduced and streamed with permission from ONE LICENSE, license #A-723939.
Organist: Bill Brinser and Sarha Sigmars
Celebrants: Father Micheal J. Stumpf, Father Bob Sidulia
and Deacon Robert McMullen
Today's readings (via USCCB): bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading
For more information, visit our parish website at MaryQueenofPeacePGH.org.